Extraordinary Drivers Licences

If you have lost your licence, but need to be able to drive for work, you may be eligible to apply for an Extraordinary Drivers Licence (“EDL”).

An EDL permits the holder to drive in certain places, at certain times, for certain reasons. If you drive outside of those rules, or without holding an EDL, you can be charged with a crime and disqualified for a further period of time, or permanently.

In applying for an EDL, it is important to present all relevant, positive, and helpful information to the Court, to give your Application the best possible chance of success. In addition to a lengthy application and affidavit, there is also a court hearing where you will be required to give oral sworn evidence. The Court you need to apply to depends on your criminal and traffic conviction history.

The process, on the back of a disqualification, can be daunting and overwhelming. Our team can help guide you through it, assisting you to prepare and lodge your application and even appearing at the hearing with you to step you through your evidence.

Contact us today to discuss whether you are eligible for an EDL, and how we can help you get back on the road for work.

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